I have spent my entire career with Upcoming Hip Hop trying to write the feeling that unites concertgoers. The feeling of being in a crowd of thousands, eagerly waiting for an artist to step on stage. The sensation of hearing a song that has a different meaning to each individual, but creates a united crowd in a chorus. For the past year and a half that chorus has grown quiet, uniting us in a deafening silence. And in that silence grew all our anxieties and fears of a disease we knew nothing about. The irony is that for most of us, music, especially live music, allowed us to feel connected to something bigger and escape a world that never seemed short on fear.
I found myself in a constant battle between telling myself it was ok, finding new things to photograph, and staying one step ahead of the impending mental breakdown that was waiting for me. If you have followed my writing over the last few years, you know that my anxiety isn't exactly a secret, but I'd found a place to express myself in a photo pit. And while I could spend pages going over the events of the last year, I think we have all felt it and seen it crammed down our throats enough to know that we have shared in another experience that we won't soon forget.
With all that being said, the era of concerts appears to be in full effect and I for one couldn't be more excited. The Armory in Minneapolis will kick off Upcoming Hip Hop's return to concerts next week August 25th. The Armory has played host to many big names in music from ScHoolboy Q and Minneapolis “Snowta” New Year's Eve party. The Armory has shown itself to be one of Minneapolis' best places to catch a live show, and that will continue as Trippie Redd brings his Tripp at Knight tour next Wednesday. While musicians all have different skill sets, there are certain artists that have the ability to make a show live and Trippie Redd is one of them. From his catchy choruses that get stuck in your head to his overzealous jogs across the stage, Trippie Redd needs nothing more than his devilish grin to suck the audience in.
If you want to join and Trippie Redd at the Armory, go to https://armorymn.com/events/trippie-redd/