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Deuce Ellis Releases 3 New Tracks During the Super Blood Moon

Deuce Ellis Releases 3 New Tracks During the Super Blood Moon

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On a calm Sunday night in September, millions of people around the world stood outside (or on top) of their homes to witness something that happens every few hundred years. A Super Blood Moon. Most people saw it, talked about it, and forgot 2 days later. Not Deuce Ellis. Deuce Ellis channeled his inner spirituality that night to write AND produce three brand new tracks. "Zoo" starts out with thanking his fans telling them "you guys are the real stars of the show." Deuce Ellis is one of the most consistent and unique artists we cover. He may not be your typical artist but he is talented and isn't that what creating music is about? "BTS9" comes next and Deuce slows it down. With the focus on the lyrics, he talks about his success being prophesied. One of my favorite lines comes next "Aint no ghost alive that can write my rhymes / I killed all my ghostwriters kept their brains all nice." The last song "Time Again" sounds like a drug anthem. Deuce Ellis uses a couple different flows throughout the track and they blend together nicely. It's very cool seeing artists using the natural power of the universe to create art. Make sure to follow Deuce on Instagram to follow his journey in the industry.

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Deuce Ellis Releases 3 New Tracks During the Super Blood Moon

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