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[Audio] Adam Reverie - "The Emancipation" (Prod. Rokk Mass Ent.)

[Audio] Adam Reverie - "The Emancipation" (Prod. Rokk Mass Ent.)

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Following the success of his February release 'Remain', Detroit native Adam Reverie (rev-uh-ree) returns with his transparent 'The Emancipation'. An emotional display of artistic vulnerability 'The Emancipation' is riveting with truths of shame, guilt, pride and repentance. The Rokk Mass produced poetic cry finds Reverie ridding himself of all debts of his past hurt from his father's life sentencing during his freshman year of college, to his infidelities with women and staggering friendships. Gearing up for his August release of his 6 track EP "Soul Ties", Reverie's 'The Emancipation' serves as the perfect formula to spark any listeners interest in the forthcoming body of work.

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