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[Audio] "Word Is" - Pacchelli

[Audio] "Word Is" - Pacchelli

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I signed into SoundCloud just now and saw that Upcoming Hip Hop had a few new followers so I decided to check them out. I'm very glad that I did because Pacchelli dropped "Word Is" a few hours ago and it's FIRE. The 22 year-old artist from Wichita, KS has an incredible flow and his rhyming aint bad either. I can see how people would compare him to Eminem because he is white and can rap very well but that is something we do not do at UHH. We believe all artists are unique in their own way and don't want to compare. My favorite line is "Don't call me Eminem just cause we are both white. The only thing we have in common is that we flow tight." I will definitely be keeping up with Pacchelli and hopefully we can work together someday soon.

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