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Dyme-A-Duzin - "Rollie Dreams" [Prod. Montage]

Brooklyn’s Dyme-A-Duzin is gearing up for the highly anticipated release of his “Crown Fried” album. To whet our appetites a bit, Dyme gives us a taste of some new music with his new track entitled “Rollie Dreams.”

Dyme wrote this song as the anthem of our everyday struggle. Produced by Montage, the record speaks on tough times, being less fortunate, but desiring to overcome opposition by remaining resilient. Dyme’s smooth flowing delivery and story-telling matched with Montage’s gloomy and heavy production make for an interesting contrast.

The accompanying artwork for “Rollie Dreams”, seen below, depicts the imagery created by the song’s lyrics. Each letter contains an image of an element that reflects the theme of the everyday struggle.

Listen here, courtesy of SoundCloud.

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