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[Audio] Dysphemic - "Sickworld"

[Audio] Dysphemic - "Sickworld"

After releasing 3 EP within the first few months of 2016, this year for Dysphemic is looking huge. Hailing from The Blue Mountains, Australia; Dysphemic, son of Vernon Treweeke the “Father of Australian Psychedelic Art”, started experimenting with music at the age of 10. From humble beginnings programming on a Commodore Amiga 500 computer and then playing drums in bands as a teenager, Dysphemic has established himself as a one of Australia’s most unique and prolific producer/MC’s. Traversing from jungle, breakcore, hip hop, drum and bass, dubstep and glitch hop, Dysphemic’s standout releases (‘Sloth’, ‘Androids’, ‘Hypnosis’ and ‘Muthaf#ckn Dinosaur!’) have received worldwide attention and a dedicated following.

Dysphemic drops his new single, "Sickworld" off his new EP, 'Spaceship Earth' under Adapted Records. "Sickworld" is a experimental new boundary for Dysphemic who usually has a more classic Dubstep EDM sound. With Dysphemic making a musical transition, will fans continue to follow in his popularity?

Find out when you hit the play to his new song, "Sickworld" below.

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