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[Audio] Clyde Kelly - "Like Ice"

Clyde Kelly is currently completing his debut album, Not Rich Yet, due for release late-2016. Brief backstory on the emcee, the 24 year-old stared making music at the age of 16. While attending college in North Carolina, he frequented poetry slams and freestyle rap battles. He spent time writing and recording songs in a local studio, developing his sound. At the start of 2016, he moved to California to be closer to the music industry, and landed a deal with independent label Halliburton Productions.

"Like Ice" is the first offering off the upcoming debut. Kelly spoke on the track's construction with the following:

I wrote the hook for "Like Ice" on a weekend trip to Miami, riding down I-95 in the sun with the windows down. The track has a boom-bap bounce that I can't resist, and it inspired a few different flows. Content-wise, I'm just saying it's all good, trying to keep things in perspective and remember how good I've got it, even as I'm striving for big things. Overall, the track is about having fun and keeping it cool when the energy is high.

Checkout the unleashed smooth new single from the self-proclaimed "Genre Killer" below:

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