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[Audio] "Who Got The Yayo" - Joyner Lucas

[Audio] "Who Got The Yayo" - Joyner Lucas

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Before I get into the writeup, Joyner Lucas is one of those artists that keeps popping up in my social media feeds and by different people. He is definitely establishing himself as a lyrical monster that can rap with the best of them. He is also taking a different approach the the hip-hop industry with producing controversial videos and epic performances. It may seem like he is already successful but he still has a little bit to go and dropping “Who Got The Yayo ” was a great way to start 2016. Joyner is even skeptical about the success he is getting. “I'm not saying I'm not confident or I don't believe in myself, but in a world of a billion rappers and an independent situation, dealing with industry snakes who disguise themselves as people who want to help you and have absolutely no major backing…yeah sometimes I worry this music sh*t may not work out the way I planned to,” Joyner Lucas explains. "I already had every job you can think of before anyone ever knew who Joyner Lucas was. CVS, Burger King, Friendly’s, a barbershop, a dishwasher at a Japanese restaurant and even a painter. I hated working a 9 to 5 because I knew it wasn’t my calling and I don't have patience to work for someone else's company when I should be the CEO of my own business. All I know is the moment I feel like I'm running in circles with this rap shit and I stop elevating and never really pop off the way I want to then…well.... who got the Yayo ??” It's perfectly human to doubt yourself and think realistically but lucky for him (and us) I think he is going to have a breakout year.

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