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[Audio] "Dutches" - 21 Quest

[Audio] "Dutches" - 21 Quest

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I grew up moving around NYC and the whole NY-metropolitan area prior to this act becoming the norm. Because of this I got to experience a little bit of Queens heading into middle school and was reminded of this hardcore suburban borough with my stepmother's thick Fresh Meadows accent. She would always remind me of where she came from. Another group of heads who have a lot of Queens pride is Woodhaven's own: 85th. I have been watching the Church Boys since I met them at The City Don't Sleep store that used to be in front of the Hewes Street stop on the J line in Williamsburg.

21 Quest is as the forefront of the group and has been putting the most music out of the rap collective. He dropped his Where I'm From project last year and has been making visuals for project since. 21 Quest uploaded "Dutches" right before the year began, and it's been in my headphones for my train ride to the Financial District every morning. I can literally see 21 Quest yelling "Queens Get The Money!" down Jamaica Ave and 85th Street. NYC Hip Hop will never get old.

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