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[Album Review] 'Dirty Rugged' - Vee Skeeno

[Album Review] 'Dirty Rugged' - Vee Skeeno

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When you think of Hip Hop, Connecticut is probably one of the few places avid listeners would turn to. However, this year I have heard of a lot of dope emcees coming out of the area. I can honestly say that Connecticut is here to stay in the Hip-Hop world. One of my favorites right now is the Hartford Huskie: Vee Skeeno. I heard his undeniably good freestyle a few months ago and I have been hooked ever since. Last month he dropped Dirty Rugged and it's certainly living up to it's name.

The mixtape is a 10 track voyage through the mind of one of the best out of Hartford. From Reintroduction to Flamboyant Freestyle, Vee Skeeno gets real personal, emotional and passionate. Some of the topics he speaks on include: being fatherless, dealing with his girlfriend's friends and the black lives matter movement. The tape has references to the show Martin and one of Mike Tyson's famous interviews.

Overall this is a fantastic tape. The production was unique and Vee Skeeno has a dirty sound but can come off smooth when he wants to. As long as there are emcees like Vee Skeeno, expect to start hearing about Connecticut Hip Hop.

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