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[Audio] "23rd State Of Mind" - Don Mykel

[Audio] "23rd State Of Mind" - Don Mykel

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And of course when the beat dropped, I said to myself, "Young man, you best come to the beat correct or leave." Naturally, Don Mykel surpassed all my expectations. It took me a moment to catch onto what Don was doing, but if feels as though by rapping over these iconic beats he's not only challenging the past but having an intense dialogue with it. Mykel seeks to insert himself into the conversation of hip-hop like many MC's have done before. He is methodical and in-tune with what he's doing. Unlike other MC's who only seek to use hip-hop as a vessel of pure entertainment, Mykel approaches this genre with a level of reverence that is quite impressive.

I mean, you cannot argue with the facts: "A modernized piece of gold that has been placed into our ears in a day and age of rappers that certainly do not exist in Don Mykel's lane. Revitalizing the youth and hip hop scene while having old heads reminisce, the 20 year old artist slays with his wicked flow, signature tone and the ability to go on a lyrical onslaught at any given moment.

With fire singles such as "Essence" and "Save Me" West Harlem's kid is coming fast on the horizon. I hope you're ready. Check him out on SoundCloud.

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[Audio] "23rd State Of Mind" - Don Mykel

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