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[Exclusive] NYC LAW$ Announce New Album

[Exclusive] NYC LAW$ Announces New Album

[Exclusive] NYC LAW$ Announce New Album

NYC LAW$ is a new Flatbush, Brooklyn NY collective dedicated to creativity, culture, and higher vibrations. Their debut album, LAW$ OF LIFE, will be released on August 9th and bring those elements to the forefront. One might say this is an EP because of the 8 song tracklist, but its creation was treated more like an album. With everyone wanting to "turn up," NYC LAW$ display a sound that hasn't been heard . It's a conceptual project with deeper meaning than life on the streets. It's about hopelessness, hardships, depression, and anxiety. It's also about finding the inner light that's within all of us. It's about not following government laws, but following the laws of the universe. With production from Kev Brown, Ill-Minded, Tybical, and $wineful, NYC LAW$ present a audible piece of art for this generation to not only hear, but to understand. LAW$ OF LIFE will be available for free stream and download on SoundCloud, HotNewHipHop, and AudioMack. We will also be shooting a short documentary and interview with NYC LAW$ before the release. Stay tuned!

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