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[Audio] "G'd Up Freestyle" - Haddy Racks

[Audio] "G'd Up Freestyle" - Haddy Racks

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Bronx lyricist Haddy Racks re-imagines G-Unit's "G'd Up" and he brings the heat and punchlines. If you are looking for some real hip-hop type shit with stories of the streets of New York City, check this track out. Haddy Racks gives listeners two strong verses that could be classified as gangsta rap. I'm actually glad this track was sent my way because it proves that the Bronx still has some of the realest spitters. Although I'm not big on promoting money, guns and drugs, this track does a great job talking about them in a non-so-negative way. It is a way of life for a lot of people and others use it to look "cool". Haddy Racks addresses this when he says "you talkin' bout how you sold bricks but the only good thing you sold was a good story" and "you be takin' pics with guns just to make them a profile picture". It's time we all call out the fake artists.

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