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5 Things to STOP Doing on Social Media in 2016

5 Things to STOP Doing on Social Media in 2016

We all know that social media is a great way to get your music heard and your brand noticed by a new audience. There are thousands of articles online to help you maximize each network which has allowed artists to build massive audiences but the good comes with the bad. I don't know when artists thought it would be a good idea to take the easiest, least professional way to submit or share music but it happens every day. As a blogger and fan of music, I urge to STOP doing the following. Not only can it hurt your online presence, it can ruin your reputation with bloggers.

1) STOP Tagging people on Facebook.

I get it. You want all of your friends to see your new video or interview but it's incredibly annoying. I hate when I get tagged with 80 others on Facebook because the notifications never stop. When I asked other bloggers and friends what they thought about this technique, they agreed with me 100%.

TIP: Post your new video or song on your artist page and then share to your personal profile a couple hours after. Make sure to post it on ALL of your social media networks multiple times. Also make sure to let your fans know beforehand so they know too look for it.

2) STOP posting on Facebook and Instagram more than 3 times in 20 minutes.

I understand that everybody doesn't have time to login to their social media account multiple times a day but posting a lot in a short time period on any network is annoying and limits your followers engagements (especially on Facebook).

TIP: Schedule your Facebook posts. Use Buffer to schedule your Tweets. Have your Instagram posts ready to go so you can just sign on and post.

3) STOP tweeting or tagging popular artists in your posts.

Tweeting your music to your favorite artists just looks desperate.

TIP: Share and comment on your favorite artists posts to build a relationship with them. Once you have that relationship with them, they are more likely to support your career as well.

4) STOP DM’ing your music.

Just stop.

TIP: Always use email when submitting music so that you can include all the necessary info.

5) STOP spamming blogs.

"Just because someone posts your music doesn't mean you can spam them anytime you release something. Always be professional and go about submitting however a site/blogger says they want to receive their music." -Joe Hova of &

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